Freedom Health Solution

Exercises you can do infront of your computer.

Reading time: 2.5 minutes

Your level of daily physical exercise may be reduced if you work from home. People didn’t develop to spend their days hooked on bright screens. The results are being felt by our bodies and brains. What is known as “Computer Vision Syndrome” affects an estimated 58% of people who use computers and mobile phones.

Try these quick and easy exercises to assist, enhance circulation, and reduce the muscle strain that frequently results from prolonged sitting. They could make you feel better and keep up your productivity.

Chin Nods

Ensure that you are sitting upright. Just give your chin a small nod. Send your head’s back up, stretching your spine and relieving tension in your neck and chin muscles, as opposed to bringing your chin to your chest. Do it five times. 

Neck Stretch

Bring down your right arm and grab the side of the chair to perform this easy yoga stretch. When you feel a stretch down the side of your neck, tilt your head to the left. Hold this position for fifteen to thirty seconds. Release, then do the opposite side again.

Ankle Pumps 

Sitting, slightly extend your legs from the bottom up, keeping your heels on the ground. Flex your feet and ankles by bringing your toes up to your nose. Next, elevate the heels just a little bit and point the toes away from you. Flexing and pointing should be alternated.

Back Stretch

Maintaining a wide-elbow position while bending your neck back toward the backrest will allow you to feel a stretch in your chest and back. For ten seconds, keep holding this mild stretch.

Shoulder Circles

Circle your shoulders while maintaining proper posture. Bring them up, then back, then down, then forward. Do three circles, then go the other way.

You may strengthen both your body and mind by performing these exercises occasionally, when you feel like you have a few minutes to spare. Your level of productivity will increase as your balance and functionality improve.