Freedom Health Solution

5 Back to School health advice for parents

Reading time: 4.2 minutes

Knowing a few back-to-school health tips can help both parents and students better prepare for a healthy and successful school year. These health suggestions for schoolchildren are preventative measures and healthy habits to establish to ensure that your child has the foundation they require for success.

Teaching your child how to care for their body and mind will have a long-term impact on not only their academic success but also their health and relationships. 

1. Update Your Vaccines. 

Before the start of the new academic year, check with your child’s school to make sure they are fully immunized. To find out which vaccinations are advised for your child based on age, speak with your child’s personal physician. They could advise getting the flu shot for your child before it spreads. When it comes to keeping your family healthy, an ounce of prevention is worth much more than a pound of treatment. 

2. Promote Proper hygiene. 

Teach your kids how to maintain basic and efficient personal hygiene, such as regular hand washing, proper bathing, and dental hygiene. Protection from transmissible illnesses like the flu requires taking this action. Your child will be expected to interact and play with children from many backgrounds, so it’s important for her to maintain good personal hygiene, which will help her avoid becoming sick. 

3. Prepare a Healthy meal. 

Give your child a nutritious breakfast to eat before school, such as yogurt, eggs, or a breakfast sandwich with fruit. Prepackaged snacks and grab-and-go lunches are unhealthy, so stay away from them. Purchase plenty of fresh produce, full-grain bread, lean proteins, cheeses, nuts, and fruits. Pre-portion simple-to-eat foods for lunch packing, such as baby carrots, apple slices, grapes, and melon chunks. Have healthy snacks available for your kids after school because they support their immune systems. 

4. Ensure that your kid gets enough sleep. 

According to studies, kids who get enough sleep on a regular basis are more alert, behave better, learn new knowledge more rapidly, and are generally healthier. Keep in mind that kids require more sleep than adults. The recommended amount of sleep for children aged 6 to 12 is between 9 and 12, while for older children aged 13 to 18, the recommended amount is between 8 and 10.

Even though getting the kids to bed on time can be difficult, doing basic things like monitoring their sugar intake and making sure they get enough exercise can be helpful. 

5. Be mindful of your kid’s mental health. 

School can be challenging for children, and mental health is crucial for long-term success and happiness. Social anxiety, academic stress, and bullying create an environment that requires maturity.

To ensure children feel comfortable communicating about their problems, talk about their progress, and consider finding someone to help them cope with acute or long-lasting anxiety attacks. Remember, adults can’t cope with everything alone, so don’t expect it from your child. 

You can relax in the knowledge that you have some back-to-school health advice to enhance your children’s academic year. Supporting your child’s health is the best way to make sure they are taken care of for a very long time. Knowing that when they are in school or playing on the playground, you can’t always keep them safe.