Freedom Health Solution

How Does Drinking Alcohol Affect Insurance Coverage

Reading time: 5.2 minutes

Nowadays, drinking alcohol is more prevalent, especially in major cities. This does not change the fact that alcohol harms humans, and consuming too much can lead to severe diseases. Even though excessive alcohol use may not directly affect your insurance coverage, this does not mean it is not a factor.

Health insurance companies cannot reject your claim even if you drank only a little before being brought to the hospital. However, if you are an alcoholic or a heavy drinker, your policy will not cover any claim made for a condition or injuries brought on by alcohol usage. This is a typical example of an alcohol exclusion concerning health insurance.

Insurance firms often evaluate claims from individuals who claim to be alcoholics due to the potential risk of harming organs and increasing medical expenses. This can lead to reluctance to provide coverage and higher premiums for those willing to assume the risk. Despite the potential risks, insurance companies remain cautious in offering range to these individuals.

What questions will you have to answer when you apply?

Getting life insurance can be challenging if your alcohol use exceeds the advised limits. Before giving life insurance, insurance firms conduct thorough inquiries to determine your risk profile.

Common questions on a life insurance application, if you drink alcohol, include:

– living style: vices and hobbies

– how much do you drink or smoke

– past and present health status

– work/job or work environment

– family’s medical background

In addition to these inquiries, the application will include others that could indicate a harmful effect alcohol may have on one’s health, alcoholism, or other alcohol-related issues. If the insurance provider accepts your application, providing accurate and truthful answers will guarantee that you won’t ever jeopardize the payment of a claim.

What is the Standard Alcohol Consumption that Insurance Companies Accept?

Insurance companies frequently differ in how much alcohol a policyholder is allowed to consume. Even if drinking alcohol in any amount is bad for your health, if you tend to do it, be sure to only do it in moderation and at the limit that life insurance companies recommend. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have established a limit on alcohol consumption, and going over it is regarded as excessive drinking.

Will the insurance provider question your physician about your alcohol intake?

Some insurance firms merely want the facts, while others want to know your past and how your life has been affected by your alcohol consumption. Although talking about these things can be challenging, doing so might benefit your application. 

The insurer can send you an alcohol questionnaire or ask your doctor to write more about your health in a letter. This will give the insurer a more comprehensive picture of your health. You can inform the insurer if you believe your medical records are inaccurate or disagree with the information provided. Still, you can also speak with your doctor and request that your notes be updated when necessary.

How can you obtain the most terrific deal on your life insurance?

Life insurance coverage for people with a drinking history may be limited due to alcoholism or other alcohol-related issues. But if your worries have been resolved and your drinking has been significantly reduced, life insurance providers might be able to provide coverage. 

You should be aware that your monthly life insurance premiums may be higher than the first quote if issues have arisen within the last five years, such as alcoholism. However, if worries date back more than five years and there aren’t any persistently adverse health effects, life insurance may be obtained without an increase in premiums.

There are methods to customize the benefits to suit you while keeping life insurance within your budget. You will collaborate with an independent life insurance broker to customize the benefits to meet your requirements. To save you from wasting time applying for coverage, you won’t get and accept an unfair decision, and they will work within your budget and provide you with the support you need.