Freedom Health Solution

Top 10 Reasons Why Proper Hydration is Important

Reading time: 5.8 minutes

Water is necessary for human survival. Every organ and cell must be hydrated for the body to work at its best. The adult body contains up to 60% water. It serves several different bodily functions and is the fundamental component of cells. The amount of water you should consume during the day depends on your age, weight, and gender; athletes may need more water because they shed more fluids while exercising.

Here are ten additional reasons to increase your daily water intake if you need help getting eight 8-ounce glasses.

Greater Energy

Dehydration may impact oxygen delivery to your brain and slow down circulation. Your heart may work harder to pump oxygen throughout your body if you don’t drink enough fluids. You can feel exhausted and less focused due to all that energy. You can easily avoid dehydration and have more power to get through the day by simply drinking more water.

Improve Control Over Temperature

According to studies, your body holds more heat when you’re dehydrated. Your tolerance for heat goes down as a result. To cool your body down after becoming overheated while engaging in physical activity, drinking plenty of water can help you sweat. You need to have a built-in cooling system to avoid heat stroke and other potentially fatal heat-related diseases.

Better Heart Health

Water makes up the majority of your blood. It becomes concentrated when you don’t drink enough water, which might lead to an imbalance of essential minerals (electrolytes). These elements, such as potassium and sodium, are necessary for the healthy operation of your heart.

Reduced Joint Pain

Wonder about the fact that our joints’ cartilage is primarily made up of water? Staying hydrated keeps your joints well lubricated, which reduces friction by adding extra “cushion” between the bones. Less friction leads to joints that move more quickly and with less pain.

Weight Control

Drinking water can make you feel satiated between meals, so you won’t reach for the snack drawer because it gives you a feeling of fullness. Your metabolism may also help you by it. According to research on overweight women, drinking an additional glass of water before every meal significantly decreased body weight, body mass index, and body composition. A study found that people who increased their water consumption by only 1% consumed fewer calories.

Enhance Brain Function

Memory, mood, focus, and reaction time can all be affected by even minor dehydration—a 2% fluid loss, to be exact. Daily, a few extra glasses of water can improve memory, balance emotions, and even lessen anxiety symptoms. It is crucial for older people since they are more likely to experience dehydration and cognitive decline.

Improved Digestion

To properly digest food, your body requires water. Without enough, you could suffer from uncomfortable conditions, including heartburn, bloating, gas, and irregular bowel movements, that could lower your quality of life. Increasing your fluid intake might help things start moving again. To maintain the proper function of your digestive system, it helps break down soluble fiber from your food. Look for items fortified with sodium and magnesium when buying mineral water.

Kidney Stones Are Avoided

Mineral crystal formations called kidney stones grow in the urine tract. Imagine how terrible they can be if you’ve ever gone through one. Drinking enough daily water will lessen the likelihood of developing stones by reducing the concentration of minerals in your urinary tract. Additionally, drinking water can help prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs) by flushing harmful bacteria out of your bladder.

Fewer headaches

The brain can temporarily contract from fluid loss when the body is dehydrated. This causes the brain to pull away from the skull, leading to dehydration, headaches, and migraines in some individuals. Being consistently well-hydrated may help keep head pain in check.

Better Detoxification

Drinking enough water helps your body detox, eliminating waste and toxic substances via breathing, perspiration, urination, and bowel movements. Supporting your body’s natural, potent detoxification mechanisms can assist in improving your general health.

How Much Water Is Required?

Preventing dehydration is as simple as drinking more water and eating more water-rich meals. Eight glasses of water daily is a general goal, but you can also use the body weight formula: take one-third of your body weight and drink that many ounces of liquid. In certain situations, you may need to drink extra water, such as physical exertion, hot weather, and episodes of vomiting or diarrhea.

People’s hydration needs change depending on medical history, health conditions, and drugs consumed. Consult your doctor to develop a customized hydration regimen that matches your needs.